Why You Shouldn't Lose Weight for Your Wedding

Don't feel like you have to give into the pressure!

Why You Shouldn't Lose Weight for Your Wedding

Photo: Katie Shuler Photography

why you shouldn't lose weight for your wedding

A lot of engaged people face pressure – either internally or externally – to lose weight before their wedding day. Even Pippa Middleton, who is known for her dedication to exercise and made a splash in mainstream media due to her figure while serving as maid of honor at the royal wedding, reportedly was on a strict diet plan in the months leading up to her nuptials. But you shouldn’t feel the need to give into this mindset: if the prospect of starting a diet and exercising more while planning your nuptials fills you with dread, stress, and anxiety, don’t do it! 

If you were already committed to making new, healthy choices before you had a ring on your finger, then by all means, continue that plan. But this change should be for you and your new lifestyle, not simply for one day. A crash diet that leaves you grumpy will leave you with results that don’t last, and those pictures you worked so hard for might end up bumming you out if you gain back the weight you lost.

Avoid even just keeping your bridal gown in mind – a reason many cite as their motivation to lose weight. If you order a smaller size and fail to reach that goal, you will feel discouraged and panicked. A successful diet can lead to trouble too: If you lose more than anticipated, the cost of alterations will go up. Past a certain point, it may even damage the integrity of the design. 

Many crash diets are centered on calorie deprivation, which can cause a plethora of problems. If you haven’t been eating enough, you might get intoxicated more quickly on your wedding day; however, that’s not the only way you could miss out on the once-in-a-lifetime memories. Insufficient caloric intake can leave you feeling foggy and forgetful – not to mention crabby! 

Most importantly, your future spouse loves you how you already are. Your friends and family love you the way you are. And that’s exactly who you should be on your special day. 

Photo by Katie Shuler Photography; Planning & Design by Tessa Lyn Events