12 Reasons to Incorporate Fruit Into Your Décor

Discover gorgeous ways to feature fresh fruit in bouquets, centerpieces, and more!

For a simple yet eye-catching look, surround your centerpieces with ornate bowls overflowing with berries, pomegranates, citrus, and other colorful fruits!

Photo: Paul Barnett Photographer

Brides and grooms are constantly searching for unique centerpiece and decoration ideas. Take a cue from some of our favorite real weddings and add a layer of fresh, pretty design to your summer wedding floral arrangements with an unexpected source: fresh fruit! Fruit can be displayed just like flowers, with bunches scattered among floral centerpieces or displayed in glass vessels. Berries also lend a rustic, elegant touch to cakes; consider leaving your wedding cake "naked" and topping it with only an assortment of fruit! 

For a simple yet eye-catching look, surround your centerpieces with ornate bowls overflowing with berries. Or, scatter fruits in complementing colors and sizes directly on tables between larger bouquets. Use citrus fruits to display place cards, and create a farmers-market feel with wooden carts filled with produce. See more ways to incorporate fruit into your décor in the slideshow above, all dreamed up by real brides. We'll show you how to create wedding décor that (literally) looks good enough to eat!